
Course Information

Advanced Visual Basic (CPT 240)

Term: 2010-2011 Spring Semester


Tue, 2:00 PM - 4:55 PM (1/18/2011 - 5/9/2011) Location: CMCC JAL 512


CPT 240 Advanced Visual BASIC
3 Credits (3 Lecture 0 Lab 0 Shop)
3 Hrs/Wk (3 Hrs. Lecture) *15 wks
This course builds on the skills learned in CPT 130, Intro to Visual Basic. Students will demonstrate the ability to: create custom menus, work with sequential access files, string manipulation, work with variable arrays and arrays of structure, create functions, and integrate Visual Basic with an Access database. Study time outside of class will be required to complete reading assignments and homework exercises. Prerequisite: CPT 130 or instructor permission.