
Course Information

Summer Baking Series (CCS 637)

Term: 2017-2018 Summer Session


There is not currently a faculty member for this course


A collection of three classes, also offered individually. Below is a description of the courses that are included:

Yes You "Can" - Summer Fruit Jams
What's the difference between jam, jelly, and preserves? What kinds of fruit work best to make jams? Regardless of what you prefer, come learn how to make and can your own jams and jellies. We will be exploring methods and ingredients that make you favorite summer berry jams taste great all year long! To make your jams last, we will also help you understand the need for proper canning techniques and methods.

Keeping Your Cool - No Bake Desserts
Heating the stove in the summer turns the whole room into a sauna, making it difficult to sleep and stay cool. Let us help you learn some new desserts that use minimal stove time and no baking required. These desserts will leave you cooler and have you sleeping better FAST!

Baking with Summer Fruits
Summer fruits are the best! They are sweet, juice, and plentiful. Learn how to use sever