
Course Information

Taxes - Filing & Preparation (CCS 592)

Term: 2015-2016 Winter Term


Craig M Dickson
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Wed, 5:30 PM - 7:25 PM (1/6/2016 - 1/6/2016) Location: CMCC LPC 110


This course will help participants understand the the basic tax system of U.S. Students will be shown how to fill out and submit a 1040 tax return.

Course Objectives:
- Demonstrate the basic structure of US Tax System.
- Prepare students to fill out and file thier own 1040 Tax Return.
- Define basic terminology and tax knowledge.
- Identify some possible tax deductions and credits, as well as the advantages and disadvantages to the alternative minimum tax option.
Use case examples to show how an individual can file their own taxes easily.
- Explain how payment plans may be made for overdue taxes.
- Explain how to file an extension.
- Analyze thier previous year's tax return for potentially overlooked deductions, using "Second Opinion" tax software.
- Generate a sample return with every student.

It is recommended that each participant come to the workshop with thier previous 2 years tax returns to use as a reference.