For information and regular updates on CMCC's response to the COVID-19 outbreak, visit our website @
Please answer the following questions to help us determine if you're eligible for free training.
Have you been negatively impacted by COVID-19?
Are you currently employed?
Please select your Employer
Based on your answers we have determined you may be eligible for grant-funded courses.
Would you like to view grant-funded courses or self-pay courses?
Choose A Course:
1. Choose a course from the 'Available Courses' dropdown list.2. Click the 'View Course Information' button to see the details of the course.
Available Self-pay Courses
Available Grant Courses
Course Information
Click 'Add Course' and it will display in the list above.
Course Code
Course Title
Course Description
Begin Date
End Date
Available Seats
My Selected Courses
This is the list of courses in your 'Shopping Cart'. To remove a course from your cart, click the "Update" button next to it.
Personal Information
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Maiden/Birth/Other Name: (if applicable)
Date of Birth
Social Security Number (optional)
Email Address
Confirm Email Address
Please provide either a Home OR Mobile phone number
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Permanent Mailing Address
Line 1
Line 2
Additional Information
Please select the gender with which you most identify:
Are you Hispanic/Latino?
Race (Select one or more):
Education (highest completed):
Have you ever been convicted of a crime or adjudication other than a minor traffic offense?
If you answered yes to the above question, please explain the circumstances of your conviction(s).
To view our current COVID-19 policies please click here
MCCS's COVID-19 vaccination policies.